on Monday, March 6, 2023
Company News
Darrel Wenzel, CEO of Waverly Utilities (WU), has announced his plan for retirement.
CEO since February 2014, Wenzel’s last day at WU will be August 3, 2023.
“On behalf of the Waverly Utilities Board of Trustees, I want to thank Darrel for his great service to Waverly Utilities over the past 9 years,” stated Bob Buckingham, WU Board Chair.
“Darrel has helped Waverly Utilities in many ways including establishing a highly successful communications utility. Waverly can be proud of its state-of-the-art fiber network that provides highly reliable, high-speed internet,” shared Buckingham.
During his time with Waverly Utilities, Wenzel led the transition from Waverly Light and Power to Waverly Utilities when the utility added the telecommunication services of internet, cable and phone. He also served as a board member with Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska (MEAN), whom Waverly purchases their power from, as secretary/treasurer.
“Darrel has also led the utility to a tremendous safety record without a single lost hour due to work related injury over the last 1,500 workdays,” said Buckingham. “He made sure the utility and its employees were one of the safest in Iowa.”
The board will be determining over the next few months how to fill the utility leadership role.